Monday, August 18, 2008

more about noise pollution! this time affecting students on a larger scale.
Entire article courtesy of The Electric New Paper, August 12 2008.

Sorry, teacher, can't hear you
By Veena Bharwani
August 12 2008

CONCENTRATING in class is hard enough.

Click to see larger image

Now try doing it with the ear-splitting noise of metal-piling from a construction site a few metres from your classroom.

And factor in that you will be sitting for the O-level oral examination soon.

That is what students from Punggol Secondary School have been contending with daily since late June.

The school at Punggol Central is next to the construction site for Punggol Vista, a new development of Housing Board Build-to-order (BTO) flats that is scheduled for completion in in the second-quarter of 2011.

While the school has taken active steps to reduce the noise levels, including asking the construction company to install quieter piling rigs, the students are still worried that the noise will persist and make it hard for them to study.

Four students told The New Paper that they fear it could affect their performance in the upcoming O-level and N-level examinations.

The O-level oral exam begins tomorrow and the N-level listening comprehension exam begins on 2 Sep.One Secondary 4 Express student, 16, who declined to be named, said: 'I can barely listen to my teacher with the noise from the construction site.

'We have to sit through the loud banging every day and sometimes, teachers have to raise their voices to try and beat the loud noise.

'The teachers are doing O-level revision now and I can't follow what is going on in class.'

Another 16-year-old student, who also did not want to be named, said: 'One moment, it's silent and peaceful, but in the next moment, you hear the loud 'bang bang' sounds. It's really distracting.'

Punggol Secondary principal Lee Eet Fong said that as soon as the noise became a problem, the school's operations manager discussed how it could be resolved with the construction company.

Apart from getting Kay Lim Construction to suspend work during the O-level listening comprehension exam on 15 Jul, the school contacted the National Environment Agency and a noise meter was installed to monitor the noise.

'If the noise goes beyond a certain level, the construction company will be fined,' the principal said.


She added that the two parties agreed that the bulk of the noisy construction work was coming from two noisy piling rigs. After discussion, the two rigs were relocated further away from the school as a longer-term solution. the construction company also replaced the noisy piling rigs with quieter 'butterfly buckets' last week.

Madam Lee said: 'The school noted a significant reduction in noise level since 4 Aug.

'Our monitoring has shown that there is still some sporadic banging noises coming from a different piling rig. The company's senior project manager has agreed to resolve this in the next few days,' she said. She said the students will not be disturbed during the O-level oral exam as it will take place in air-conditioned rooms located farther away from the site.

Kay Lim has agreed to suspend work during the N-level listening comprehension, in September.

Madam Lee said: 'After we solve the noise problem, we have to tackle the next problem - the dust as construction progresses.'

Four more HDB BTO flats - Punggol Lodge, Damai Grove, Punggol Spring and Punggol Spring - are set to come up in the area over the next few years, and they will be close to the school.

Asked about the possibility of relocating to a holding school, Madam Lee said: 'We are taking it one step at a time.We will be meeting the Ministry of Education to further discuss the matter and to ensure that there is minimal disruption to our students.'

The construction company could not be reached for comment.

Working out solutions


Loud noise from construction site starts in late June - problem for O-level listening comprehension in July


School's operations manager meets construction firm's senior project manager. Work suspended for day of exam.

School's operations manager contacts National Environment Agency and noise meter is installed at school. If noise goes beyond 75 decibels, construction company will be fined.


Main cause of noise comes from noisy piling rigs near school


Piling rigs relocated farther away. Quieter digging machinery, butterfly buckets, installed.


Sporadic noises from different piling rig


Construction company agrees to resolve this soon.

posted @ 10:01 PM |

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

another update
-Healthy human ear can hear frequencies up to 20Hz to 20000Hz.
-If a sound reaches 85 dB or stronger, it can cause permanent damage to your hearing.
-The amount of time you listen to a sound affects how much damage it will cause.
-Rainfall:50 Db
-Typical speech:60Db
-Washing machine:75Db
-Busy city talk:85Db
-Gas mower:90Db
-Walkman tractor:100Db
-Leave blower, rock concert, chain saw:110Db
-Jet plane(From 100 feet):130Db
A typical conversation occurs at 60 dB - not loud enough to cause damage.
A bulldozer that is idling (note that this is idling, not actively bulldozing) is loud enough at 85 dB that it can cause permanent damage after only 1 work day (8 hours).
When listening to music on earphones at a standard volume level 5, the sound generated reaches a level of 100 dB, loud enough to cause permanent damage after just 15 minutes per day!
A clap of thunder from a nearby storm (120 dB) or a gunshot (140-190 dB, depending on weapon), can both cause immediate damage.

In fact, noise is probably the most common occupational hazard facing people today
What is noise?
-Sound that is unpleasant
What effects does noise have on us:
-Form of communication
-Warning signals
--Damage to us (Ear problems)

Ways and methods to concur noise pollution:
-Refer to science textbook
-Make laws
-Create awareness to public
Either by blogs, advertisement,poster,talk.
:Competitions of students(Learning in process)
Credits: science tb
Construction noise in the community may not pose a health risk or damage peoples' sense of hearing, but it can adversely affect peoples' quality of life. To some degree, construction noise can be a contributing factor to the degradation of someone's health in that it can cause people to be irritated and stressed and can interrupt their ability to sleep - all of which may lead to higher blood pressure, anxiety, and feelings of animosity toward the people or agencies responsible for producing the noise.
In fact, several of the traditional definitions of "noise" (i.e. unwanted or undesirable sound) can be associated with construction noise. Construction noise can be perceived or considered to:
· be too loud;
· be impulsive;
· be uncontrollable;
· contain annoying pure tones;
· occur unexpectedly;
· occur at undesirable times of day; and/or
· interrupt people's activities.
Construction noise has the potential to disturb people at home in their residences, in office buildings or retail businesses, in public institutional buildings, at locations of religious services, while attending sporting events, or when on vacation.

posted @ 12:25 AM |

Monday, July 28, 2008


A decibel is the standard for the measurement of noise. The zero on a decibel scale is at the threshold of hearing, the lowest sound pressure that can be heard, on the scale acc. To smith, 20 db is whisper, 40 db the noise in a quiet office . 60 db is normal conversation, 80 db is the level at which sound becomes physically painful.

3 Sources of Noise Pollution:- Noise pollution like other pollutants is also a by- product of industrialization, urbanizations and modern civilization.

Broadly speaking , the noise pollution has two sources, i.e. industrial and non- industrial. The industrial source includes the noise from various industries and big machines working at a very high speed and high noise intensity. Non- industrial source of noise includes the noise created by transport/vehicular traffic and the neighborhood noise generated by various noise pollution can also be divided in the categories , namely, natural and manmade. Most leading noise sources will fall into the following categories: roads traffic, aircraft, railroads, construction, industry, noise in buildings, and consumer products

1. Road Traffic Noise:- In the city, the main sources of traffic noise are the motors and exhaust system of autos , smaller trucks, buses, and motorcycles. This type of noise can be augmented by narrow streets and tall buildings, which produce a canyon in which traffic noise reverberates.

2. Air Craft Noise: - Now-a-days , the problem of low flying military aircraft has added a new dimension to community annoyance, as the nation seeks to improve its nap-of the- earth aircraft operations over national parks, wilderness areas , and other areas previously unaffected by aircraft noise has claimed national attention over recent years.

3. Noise from railroads: - The noise from locomotive engines, horns and whistles, and switching and shunting operation in rail yards can impact neighboring communities and railroad workers. For example, rail car retarders can produce a high frequency, high level screech that can reach peak levels of 120 dB at a distance of 100 feet, which translates to levels as high as 138, or 140 dB at the railroad worker’s ear.

4. Construction Noise:- The noise from the construction of highways , city streets , and buildings is a major contributor to the urban scene . Construction noise sources include pneumatic hammers, air compressors, bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks (and their back-up signals), and pavement breakers.

5. Noise in Industry: - Although industrial noise is one of the less prevalent community noise problems, neighbors of noisy manufacturing plants can be disturbed by sources such as fans, motors, and compressors mounted on the outside of buildings Interior noise can also be transmitted to the community through open windows and doors, and even through building walls. These interior noise sources have significant impacts on industrial workers, among whom noise- induced hearing loss is unfortunately common.

6. Noise in building: - Apartment dwellers are often annoyed by noise in their homes, especially when the building is not well designed and constructed. In this case, internal building noise from plumbing, boilers, generators, air conditioners, and fans, can be audible and annoying. Improperly insulated walls and ceilings can reveal the soundof-amplified music, voices, footfalls and noisy activities from neighboring units. External noise from emergency vehicles, traffic, refuse collection, and other city noises can be a problem for urban residents, especially when windows are open or insufficiently glazed.

7. Noise from Consumer products:- Certain household equipment, such as vacuum cleaners and some kitchen appliances have been and continue to be noisemakers, although their contribution to the daily noise dose is usually not very large.

Harmful Effects:
On Human Being, Animal and Property: Noise has always been with the human civilization but it was never so obvious, so intense, so varied & so pervasive as it is seen in the last of this century. Noise pollution makes men more irritable. The effect of noise pollution is multifaceted & inter related. The effects of Noise Pollution on Human Being, Animal and property are as follows:

I. It decreases the efficiency of a man:- Regarding the impact of noise on human efficiency there are number of experiments which print out the fact that human efficiency increases with noise reduction. A study by Sinha & Sinha in India suggested that reducing industrial booths could improve the quality of their work. Thus human efficiency is related with noise.

II. Lack of concentration:- For better quality of work there should be concentration , Noise causes lack of concentration. In big cities , mostly all the offices are on main road. The noise of traffic or the loud speakers of different types of horns divert the attention of the people working in offices.

III. Fatigue:- Because of Noise Pollution, people cannot concentrate on their work. Thus they have to give their more time for completing the work and they feel tiring

IV. Abortion is caused: - There should be cool and calm atmosphere during the pregnancy. Unpleasant sounds make a lady of irriative nature. Sudden Noise causes abortion in females.

V. It causes Blood Pressure: - Noise Pollution causes certain diseases in human. It attacks on the person’s peace of mind. The noises are recognized as major contributing factors in accelerating the already existing tensions of modern living. These tensions result in certain disease like blood pressure or mental illness etc.

VI. Temporary of permanent Deafness:- The effect of nose on audition is well recognized. Mechanics , locomotive drivers, telephone operators etc. All have their hearing . Impairment as a result of noise at the place of work. Physictist, physicians & psychologists are of the view that continued exposure to noise level above. 80 to 100 db is unsafe, Loud noise causes temporary or permanent deafness.

VII. EFFECT ON VEGETATION Poor quality of Crops:- Now is well known to all that plants are similar to human being. They are also as sensitive as man. There should be cool & peaceful environment for their better growth. Noise pollution causes poor quality of crops in a pleasant atmosphere.

VIII. EFFECT ON ANIMAL:- Noise pollution damage the nervous system of animal. Animal looses the control of its mind. They become dangerous.

IX. EFFECT ON PROPERTY:- Loud noise is very dangerous to buildings, bridges and monuments. It creates waves which struck the walls and put the building in danger condition. It weakens the edifice of buildings.



posted @ 12:01 AM |

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Utility boxes, noise pollution concerns at forum

Utility boxes, noise pollution concerns at forum
By Angie Anaya Borgedalen
Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:35 AM CDT

Beige utility boxes the size of giant freezers and smaller companion boxes sprouting up all over town were among concerns expressed by those attending the last in a series of four Mayor’s Forums at the United Methodist Church Family Center.

“I don’t understand why more attention hasn’t been paid to this. It’s huge,” said Bill Taylor, who was among those attending the Ward 2 forum June 19.

Steve Hansen, public works director, said the beige cabinets are being installed by AT&T in competition with Time Warner Cable and satellite dish providers for Internet, television and telephone services in the Kansas City area.

Hansen said light green utility boxes disbursed around town belong to Time Warner and darker green cabinets belong to Aquila. Almost weekly, AT&T is seeking a special use permit from the city to place the 63-inch tall boxes; no permit is needed for the smaller boxes.

The arrival of the metal cabinets followed passage of the Video Services Providers Act by the Missouri Legislature last year. At the time, Rep. Tim Flook, R-Liberty, said it was a way to open up competition among carriers and bring prices down for consumers.

At a recent City Council meeting, Michael Chambers, a regional director for external affairs for AT&T, said the company was not trying to annoy potential customers with the placement of the boxes, which through a network of fiber-optic cables bring signals to homes and businesses.

According to Chambers, the number of customers determines the size of the box. The smaller boxes serve an estimated 150 to 200 customers. The larger boxes can serve as many as 700 customers.

Mayor Bob Steinkamp said because of state law, the city has no authority to prohibit service providers from installing the boxes, but the city could impose reasonable restrictions.

Liberty prefers the boxes in backyards rather than in front. Some of the boxes are inside yards in rights of way. The city is also asking that the boxes be screened with native vegetation.

“Since we can’t stop them, we have to work reasonably with the companies,” Steinkamp said.

Others attending the meeting also complained about excessive noise made by motorcycles and blaring car stereos in residential areas.

“It’s affecting the quality of life,” Richard Rudd said.

Rudd said other cities in the country imposed stiff fines to keep the noise levels down.

To a query about a proposed smoking ban, officials said the city would discuss the issue at a July work session.

If there’s one message Steinkamp learned from hosting the forums in the city’s four council districts is that most people appeared supportive of putting a two-part sales tax package on the ballot in November.

The city may seek a 20-year extension of the Liberty 2010 half-cent capital improvements sales tax and an increase from a quarter-cent to a half-cent in the transportation sales tax in what’s been called Scenario No. 3.

“I think there is interest in pursuing Scenario No. 3,” Steinkamp said. “I don’t think most people were that concerned with raising taxes.”

Liberty Editor Angie Anaya Borgedalen can be reached at 781-4941 or
Credits :

posted @ 7:13 PM |

Save ourselves
Save our homes




